Let Your Light Shine with our St. Catherine Clothing Closet Giveaway!
Our St. Catherine Clothing Closet Giveaway ministry event is scheduled for Monday, July 29 through Saturday, August 3 in the Parish Center. To make this joyful, strenuous, PARISH-WIDE effort a success, we are asking for the help and support of our incredible St. Catherine community.
As we reach out to our neighbors in need, and reflect on our commitment of doing good work for others, we have chosen the theme "Let your light shine!" Matthew 5:16 to inspire our mission. We have many ways for St. Catherine families to get involved in this important ministry for our community!
DONATE to our clothing drive and clear those closets!
USED items donated: We will accept BASIC clothing in all sizes: pants, shorts, shirts, dresses, children's pajamas, outerwear, blankets and sheets, towels and other essential fabric items. PLEASE, no clothing with rips, stains or broken zippers! We are showing our love to others.
NEW items needed: Underwear and socks (all sizes), toiletries, school supplies, school backpacks. Please, only new items for these requests.
Please drop off donations from July 29 through July 31 in the Parish Center. Donations will also be accepted through August 3. Hours are 9.30am to 3pm daily.
If you need to drop off sooner than July 29, donations can be dropped off at 45 La Crosse Drive, Morgan Hill on the front patio (Linda Klajbor's home).
VOLUNTEER to help at our clothing drive!
Help is needed throughout the week of July 29 through August 3, with the greatest need being Saturday, August 3.
Hours are 9.30am to 3pm daily.
From Monday, July 29th through Wednesday, July 31 our main focus will be on organizing and preparing for the event.
Families will be shopping from Thursday, August 1 through Saturday, August 3. We will continue to organize and replenish our donations through Saturday, August 3rd.
As we undertake this busy task, we welcome the help and support of everyone:
Adult volunteers
Teens are needed and appreciated
Youth 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult
Ready to sign up? Please email Linda Klajbor at lklaj6889@gmail.com
Parents, keep track of your volunteer hours but do not log them on ParentSquare until August 1st or later
Jr High Students, keep track of your service hours on Mrs. Trevino's Service Hour log sheet and have your sheet signed by Mrs. Klajbor at the event.
ENERGIZE our volunteers throughout the event!
We would greatly appreciate donations of snacks for our volunteers throughout the event. We average between 10 and 20 volunteers daily, and go through a lot of snacks!
Simple items like fresh fruit, bagged chips or crackers, bottled water, power bars, etc are graciously welcomed!
If you would like to support us in this way, please email Linda Klajbor at lklaj6889@gmail.com