
Robotics 2019
  • Fundraising was spectacular in 2019/20. October’s Walkathon raised $76,184, while PTG’s Cougar Gala raised $72,184. These two major fundraisers have facilitated making ends meet in day-to-day operations of the school and supported our Fund-A-Need for tech and media equipment. 

  • With the onset of the pandemic in March, our educators and administration transitioned the entire school to distance learning over a weekend. 

  • Our Robotics Team had a spectacular year. Six of our seven competitive teams qualified for State and the U.S. Open. Two of the six went on to qualify for World and one finished 6th in their division. Many awards were also won by the teams in local tournaments. 

  • Two more classroom ceilings were lowered, as part of the ongoing improvements to our main building. The process involves dropping the ceiling and improving energy efficiency.