Student Illness FAQ

Why does the Diocese require parents/guardians to report all of the symptoms their child is experiencing?

For many illnesses, we are required to send notifications to the parents of students who are close contacts, e.g. all students in thesame classroom. This enables parents to recognize symptoms of an illness that may be impacting their child’s health.

What symptoms call for a student to be absent from school?

The following symptoms can indicate many illnesses, including flu, RSV or Covid. Please keep your student home if they have any of the symptoms below.

  • fever ⋧100° or chills

  • cough

  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • fatigue

  • muscle or body aches

  • headache

  • new loss of taste or smell

  • sore throat

  • nausea or vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • congestion

When should I test my child for Covid?

Diocesan policy strongly recommends that students with two or more of the symptoms listed above test for Covid. Some of the symptoms listed can also be symptoms of flu or RSV. Testing should be done on Day 1 of symptoms and then on Day 3 to 5 if symptoms persist, and the child had not previously tested positive for Covid.

When can my student return to school after illness?

Your student can return to school if s/he has been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and his/her symptoms have resolved.

When can my student return to school after having had Covid?

Covid cases have stricter guidelines regarding the return to school.

  • Symptomatic students who test positive for Covid must stay home for a minimum of five days.

  • Day 1 is the day AFTER the student tests positive.

  • Students can return to school on Day 6 only IF symptoms have resolved and if s/he has been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

Does my student have to wear a mask in school when they return from having Covid?

It is highly recommended that students who have tested positive for COVID mask until Day 11.

Are schools going to return to masking?

At present, masking is not mandated and is a personal choice. Santa Clara County Public Health, the California Department of Public Health, and the CDC HIGHLY RECOMMENDS masking indoors during times when respiratory illnesses are on the rise and/or are at a high community level. This is because masking is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of viruses.