Tuition & Fees for 2024/2025

For the 2024/25 academic year, our full rate tuition for each student is $15,000 per year. We offer the following flat rate discounts: 1) $3050 discount per child for practicing Catholic families and 2) $1250 discount per child for households with more than one child enrolled.

Plan A

A practicing Catholic family, registered in the Parish, in which the child is baptized Catholic, attending Sunday Liturgy regularly, active in Parish Life, and financially supporting the Parish in a meaningful way.

Number of Children
Annual Cost
Monthly Cost
1 Child
$1,195 (Aug-May)
2 Children
$2,140 (Aug-May)
3 Children
$3,210 (Aug-May)
4 Children
$4,280 (Aug-May)

Plan B

The child is not baptized Catholic and/or the family is not participating in the Parish as described in Plan A.
Please contact us for further tuition information, should you you wish to enroll more than two children.

Number of Children
Annual Cost
Monthly Cost
1 Child
$1,500 (Aug-May)
2 Children
$2,750 (Aug-May)

In addition to the regular tuition, the following requirements must be met by all families at St. Catherine School:

  • Each family is expected to purchase $1000 of RaiseRight, our gift card fundraising program. If a family does not reach this amount by April 30, 2024, a $250 payment is charged to their TADS account.

  • Each family is required to contribute 40 hours (20 hours for single parent families) of service to St. Catherine School during the year. Families who do not complete the required hours by May 19, 2025 will pay a $600 fee, charged to their TADS account. The fee for single parent families is $300.

  • Each family is expected to contribute to the St. Catherine School Annual Appeal and the Diocese of San Jose Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA).

Enrollment Fee for 2024-2025

The Annual Enrollment Fee is $500 per child. For existing students, the full amount is due at the annual enrollment deadline (published on ParentSquare). For new students, the full amount is due 10 days after acceptance, or by Friday, June 14, 2024, unless special arrangements are made with the Principal. Enrollment fees paid after June 14, 2024 without agreed arrangements will incur an additional $50 fee. The Enrollment Fee and late fee (if applied) is non-refundable. Please contact the Principal in writing with any questions regarding your family’s annual enrollment fees.

The Enrollment Fee covers items such as Student Accident Insurance, CTN, Diocesan assessments, standardized testing and accreditation costs, as well as textbooks, instructional materials and supplies, Yearbook, Class Fund contributions and a portion of our technology costs. 

Other Fees

Science Camp for 5th Graders
Our 5th Graders typically attend Science Camp each year. For the 2024/25 academic year, they’ll attend NatureBridge Golden Gate Camp in early to mid-2025. The fee for this trip will be confirmed at a later date. Historically, it has been approximately $500. Classes may fundraise for this trip.

Yosemite Trip for 7th Graders
Visiting the NatureBridge Yosemite Camp is a 7th Grade event. We will confirm the dates and fees for the 2024/25 trip at a later date. Historically, the fee for this week-long trip is approximately $800. Classes may fundraise for this trip.

A fee of $150.00 is required of all Eighth Grade students. This fee covers the cost of diplomas, decorations, a class composite, class retreat, and other special events for the graduates. This fee will be billed to TADS accounts in September.